Bosses lunch today is homemade flax seed whole wheat egg salad ham sandwich, Jalapeno Cheetos, honey crisp apples, Ferrero Rocher and apple water kefir.

Kids tried creamy chicken tortilla soup at Costco last weekend and wanted to buy it but I said no and promised to make it for them. We grilled some chicken on Sunday and had left over. I rummage my freezer and found some tandoori chicken so I used up all the chicken and also managed to clear one item from the freezer.

Thankfully I have frozen broth in the freezer so it is really simple and quick meal. Used my Herman starter to thicken the soup and it worked!!

Froze the rest of my Herman starter. Now that is warm I’m itching again to try my Herman BUT I’m scared of failing already because I’ve wasted so much ingredients because of my stubbornness and refuse to give up. However I’m tried of trying already so I’m still on the fence if I want to try it and I’m not sure if my starter is still alive even before I put it in the freezer because I’ve not been feeding or stirring my starter. Dilemma! Dilemma! Dilemma

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